July 20, 2011

Cervical Cancer

kanker leher rahim
Cervical Cancer
  Cervical cancer is a disease in which the cells are abnormal cervix grow uncontrollably so urgent and damaging the surrounding tissues can result in death even.
Incidence and mortality high cervical cancer, but when it is detected and treated early, the disease can be cured.

How To Detect Early Cervical Cancer?
By doing a screening:

Pap Smear
Begin checked a minimum of three years after sexual intercourse
  • Recommended for patients with Pap Smear results are dubious (inconclusive)
  • It is recommended to screening in women aged > 30 years along with
examination of Pap smears

Pap Smear
Pap Smear is an examination to see the cells of the cervix where samples taken via the vagina then highly on glass objects, then dyed, then viewed under a microscope.

Liquid-Based Pap Smear
  A new method to improve the accuracy of the detection of abnormalities of the cervical cells. With this method, the samples taken are put into a special fluid so that the cells or factors separable from other bullies. Next sample on the glass object is then highly colored and then viewed under a microscope.
With this method, a layer of cells that are highly selective on glass objects do not overlap so the observation under a microscope becomes clearer and more accurate results, so small abnormalities in cervical cells more easily detected.

  The examination for detection of infection of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). HPV infection is a major cause of certain types of cervical cancer. This examination is required especially for patients with Pap Smear results there are abnormalities but are inconclusive whether these abnormalities can develop into cancer or be healed. So with HPV-DNA examination can be estimated if abnormalities are found will develop into cervical cancer or not.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

1 coments:

uswah hanz said...

q pernah denger ada istilah ratus vagina untuk menghilang bau...bisa kasih infonya g...all about ratus pkah semacam bunga,akar2an or apalah..
buat para abdi negara yg duduk diinstansi kesehatan...sy denger ada vaksinasi untuk servik bahkan vaksin tsb bisa diberikan pada remaja usia 10thn dan g d prosedur yg khusus utk peminatnya...tapi sayang harga vaksinya sekitar 1,2JT/INjeksi...bagaimana wong cilik bs menjangkaunya...padahal tahun2 belakangn ini servik bukan lagi penyakit high end..tp dah sampai tahap grass root...penyebabnyapun dh sangat komplek..dan kekacauan hormon akibt penggunaan KB,perlu jadi catatan tersendiri bg pemerintah.
untk bidan2 desa...selalu updatekn hal2 penting tsb ke warganya.
4 anavanzky...semoga kesehatan selalu menyertaimu & juga org yg selalu mendukung all langkahmu..ditunggu ilmu2 bermanfaat lainya....
