March 18, 2012

Intimate Relationship Quality

 Intimate Relationship Quality
  How do I take advantage of an intimate relationship with time-efficient but healthy and quality ? It turns out the woman more instrumental. Jamaican impingement lust into a touch of affection and love with caresses, lovey-Davey words, so when ready to enjoy peak intimate, not too seize power and time.

Dr. Jimmy R Tambunan, SpOG stresses, is the second sex activity is Human for mutual shows feelings of love, affection, and have each other. "Sex in order to deepen the relationship, not to vent the sheer lust," said alumnus of Faculty of medicine UKI in a seminar about tips on how to be healthy and intimate relationship quality in Jakarta recently.

  With such a principle can be applied to an intimate relationship in the month of fasting. To exploit feelings of affection, love and have sex with each other, the game as its peak became too dominant. The trick with foreplay a long and steady, through the touch of love, affection.

  Women are generally more precisely understand rather than men being treated like this. Because women generally prefer to be pampered, received. Most women like the hasty attitude, much less impressive, he's just so mere sex objects. Moreover, if in this way the companion treats lovey-Davey like that, it could certainly be received with deep understanding.

  For couples who have been in a relationship for a long time, certainly better understand and recognize the personal character of each. This makes it easy to highlight the predominance of ' touch '--because both have know or understand their respective traditions.

  Sex is not a unilateral desire, but two people who love each other and love in this way, it's worth giving couples (especially women) took a moment to rest in order to fit. Wouldn't it be nice after resting for a bit, you and your partner do the intimate relationship.

Thus, the condition was once tired, yet, so it's ready when exposed properly.

  "Let alone have sex it up to reach the Summit of satisfaction such as run a hundred metres (Indonesia)," explains Dr. Jimmy.

  In order to keep sex activities without a reduction in quality, Prime time eating recommended food containing vitamins consumed, proteins such as rice, side dishes, meat, eggs, tofu, vegetables and milk. Not to overdo it, however the his nutrition that matters.

  It still is no exception. For the healthy of course there is no problem in eating food that is needed in order for the prime, but who have a disease such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood is very necessary attention to diet and their subjects.

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